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 Founded in 2020

The Law Association for Crimes Across History, LACAH, is a non-profit and student-run project. So far, we have had 800+ participants from 41+ countries compete at our 13 tournaments. With cases themed around social justice, we hope to address current issues through studying history.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide collaborative mock trial opportunities to students around the world to learn about the practice of law, develop empathy, study history with a legal lens, and build a global network of like-minded, proactive peers.

We aspire to make a positive impact on our generation's global outlook, provide a relevant truth-seeking experience, and create international interactions for all.

The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged.

Jean-Luc Picard

Meet Our Executives

Samantha Li

Executive Committee Member

Sydney Lu

Executive Committee Member 

Mian Zhu

Executive Director

Mian Zhu ('26) had her first experience with mock trial when creating evidence and marketing for LACAH. She later participated in two mock trial tournaments,  Empire Spring and PPMT, achieving 3rd in the latter. She has a passion for law, and looks forward to participating in more mock trial tournaments along with spreading her love for law and history internationally through LACAH.

Madelyn Tran

Executive Committee Member, Case Team Head

Madelyn Tran (’25) is the head of LACAH’s case team. Currently, she has helped complete two case packets, and she hopes to write more in the future. She was introduced to mock trial through a national Chinese competition and went on to win LACAH V. Madelyn is also the leader of the mock trial club at her school and hopes to grow her school’s participation in mock trial. Madelyn is excited to see LACAH’s growth in future years.

Sydney Lu ('25) is a member of the case team who wrote two of the affidavits for the LACAH VI case of Daniel White. LACAH IV was the first mock trial tournament she attended with her friends, sparking her long-time interest that pushed her to attend various competitions in China, including NUMT, PPMT, and IMT. Sydney later won the LACAH V competition with her teammates from NUMT, and proceeded to coach a team from her school to first place for LACAH VI. Sydney is dedicated to spreading her interest in mock trial to others, whether that be at her school or to the rest of the world. However, to do that, Sydney should work on writing more crossable witnesses.

Samantha Li ('26) is often working behind the scenes at LACAH, where she serves as the secretary of the operations team. Her academic exploration in the field of history has grown in her a profound appreciation for the complexities of law. Before assuming her current role at LACAH, Samantha immersed herself in numerous mock trial competitions, representing her school. Fueled by a love for legal discourse and an affinity for the written word, Samantha is more than glad to channel her interest into work here at LACAH.

Executive Mentees

Annie LACAH.jpg
Angelina LACAH_edited.jpg
Siyeon LACAH.jpg
Yi An
Siyeon Kim
Annie Lim
Kelly Young

Alumni Board

Alex Tran
Nathan Chan
Joshua Zhang
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Cory Fan


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